
Showing posts from July, 2024

CST 334 Week 2

  WELCOME TO WEEK 2 Learning Journal Last week, we were introduced to the functions of Operating Systems, such as providing abstraction and being a resource manager. This week, we went deeper into the topic. I learned about what abstraction is, which is the process of a running program. The program itself is something that sits on the disk with many instructions, waiting to start and become a process. Virtualization is then accomplished when there are multiple processes running. In order for the OS to create the illusion of virtualizing the CPU, it needs two things. First, low-level machinery, which is the mechanism, and second, some high-level intelligence. I also learned about the creation of a process. As mentioned before, the program sits on the disk with code and static data, which is then loaded into the process inside the memory. Then memory is allocated for the program's stack. The OS will also initialize the stack with arguments for the main() function. Next, the OS alloca