CST 300 Week 3



Work Styles & Conflict Styles

    This week, I learned about the different work styles there are and conflict styles in action. 
Each work style, whether it's about getting it right, getting it done, getting along, or getting appreciation, seeks something distinct. For instance, Get it Right wants the facts, to focus on details, and values being right. Get it Done on the other hand, focuses on deadlines and is not afraid of mistakes. They also focus on tasks being done and speeding up. Get Along is people oriented, they are aware of the needs of others, are social, direct, and want everyone satisfied. Last but not least is Get Appreciation. They tend to like to contribute, give positive feedback, and they like assertiveness.

    I also learned about the different conflict styles, which are:
  1. Avoiding
  2. Forcing
  3. Accommodating
  4. Compromising
  5. Collaborating.


Avoiding is like a turtle, when there is conflict they withdraw. Forcing on the other hand, moves whatever is in its way and they will do what is needed to get their way. Accommodating styles like to please everyone, they give up their goals to let others have their way. Compromising wants everyone to give yet get something in return as well. Collaborating style like everyone equally satisfied, a win/win situation. Spending time in getting that is not a problem. 

Time management & Study Strategies

    One of the things that needs improvement is my time management. I have a full time job and sometimes it is hard to keep a strict schedule. It is especially difficult when I have a doctor appointment or when my mom has an appointment. I help my mom in many errands and chores since she has Carpal tunnel and osteoporosis as a result of the chemotherapy she received a few years ago. I took a personal time Survey that estimates the amount of hours I have a week to study. I was also able to come up with a study formula that allows me to determine how many hours are needed to study each week. For an easy class you study study 2x the amount of class time. For an average class it is 3x and for a hard class it is 4x. In my case I have around 2.7 hours to study each day.


    This week, I learned about various issues related to technology, including ethical, legal, cultural, environmental, and privacy concerns. Privacy, relates to data and our identity issues. Ethical relates to what is morally right and wrong. Legal issues relate to what is right or wrong according to the law. Environmental, has to do with the impact of technology and how it affects the environment or vice versa. Finally, Cultural issues are related to ethnic groups, countries, etc, and how they are affected by technology. It is very interesting because my initial thoughts focused on Ethical and Privacy concerns. However, I never took the time to consider issues related to Environmental and Cultural aspects. I also learned how in some instances two or more can be intertwined in a particular issue

What a Computer Science Major Needs to Know

    What I gathered from this reading assignment is that applying you knowledge and making projects for you portfolio are essential. Not only is it necessary to have a good resume, but a portfolio as well. I enjoyed how each recommendation is separated, and it makes it easier for the reader to follow. The readings that are provided are also very beneficial since they provide the readers with additional resources. This reading assignment explains the importance or mathematics, programming languages, data structures and algorithms, operating systems, networking, etc. It will be a great tool to go back to when it is needed in the future.

Code of Integrity

    The three main points I gathered from this weeks lecture on Code of Integrity were: you must not submit solutions or program codes that are not your own, you must not share you solution code with other students, and you must indicate on your submission any assistance you received. It is fine if you discuss problem-solving strategies, but ultimately one must do their own work. Providing a citation if someone or something helped you is very important in order to avoid plagiarism. All of these things are important for everyone in the CS online program because one's work demonstrates their individual skills; providing someone else's work not only is cheating but it also demonstrates that nothing is being learned.


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