CST 300 Week 6


Capstone ideas: 

Each team member discussed their Capstone ideas. One of them mentioned creating an educational seating chart that would assign seats depending on their grades and other important factors to create an ideal learning environment. Another team member mentioned a data base management program ideally for local businesses. Another team member mentioned a musical tuning application that records and translates music into music notes. All were very good ideas but the one that stood out the most was the musical tuning app. I hope all my team members succeeded in making their ideas a reality. 


This week in OLI I learned the difference between active listening and poor listening. Sometimes it is important to fully understand the other person's viewpoint in order to solve a conflict. It is best to clarify all sides in order for everyone to feel heard. Some of the things that should be done or not done are the following: 


  • Look at person
  • Let them finish their thoughts
  • Summarize what you heard
  • Ignore distractions
  • Continue listening


  • Interrupt
  • Show impatience or disagreement, such as head shaking
  • Talk about yourself
  • Assume you know what they mean
  • Act like you are being blamed, accused, or attacked

I also learned the importance clarifying one's viewpoint without making the other person defensive; knowing when to use active listening and assertion messages. Three important features to use are: 

  • objective description
  • emotional response
  • explanation of the problem's impact 
Career Guide: 

I learned the importance of having a clear and organized resume. It is imperative for job applications and internship applications. It is also important to be more descriptive about your previous roles so recruiters have abetter idea of who you are. Additionally, it is important to avoid using flashy graphics or fonts, as visual appeal is important. There should be a consistency with fonts and size, and it is important to keep it to 1 page.  One final thing I learned was to not use resume templates or abbreviate words. Cover letters are also important because they demonstrate to the recruiters you are able to effectively communicate and write. 

Project Updates: 

This week, we will focus on finalizing and recording our scripts for both the professional video and the casual video. Once each team member has finished recording their respective scripts, we will be able to attach the audio to the presentation and work on that as well. 


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