CST 300 Week 7


Part One:

    The group has done a excellent good in collaborating and keeping the process running smoothly, especially thanks to Luis, who was able to get ahead and start the research. We have been using Discord to communicate and share our work for the team's Final Research Video Project. With the completion of our recordings, the next step is editing.  Soon, we will be able to integrate them into the presentation. Afterwards, we will add the finishing touches that are needed. 

Part Two:

    This week's lecture assignments were to review TedTalk videos and presentation resources. The TedTalk video I chose was "Why AI will Spark Exponential Economic Growth" by Cathie Wood. She focuses on the new innovations happening today. The innovations mentioned include Artificial Intelligence, Multiomic Sequencing, Robotics, Energy Storage, and Public Blockchains. Cathie explains that what used to happen in Moore's Law in two years is now happening in six months, implying numerous growth opportunities. For instance, autonomous taxi platforms will be a part of the growth for some of the mentioned platforms like robotics, energy storage, and AI. Cathie also mentions how opportunities like these will create significant revenue opportunities, potentially increasing profits and wages, or causing deflation. 

    The "Life After Death by Powerpoint" video offered valuable information with a touch of humor. While it contained numerous jokes, the main points were undeniably true. Overloading a PowerPoint presentation with too much information or oversimplifying it can negatively impact your presentation. It may cause you to lose your audience's attention or even bore them, depending on how you deliver it. I will certainly keep these ideas in mind as I collaborate with the team to finish our presentation. Additionally, the reading highlights the importance of visual aids and props but cautions against overdoing it. 


    This week, I learned how implement the use of active listening and assertive message in a role-playing activity. Ea
ch team member selected a role with a specific goal, and we kept track of how many times we used active listening and assertive messages. Each time someone used active listening, the team member would earn one point. If an assertion message was used, the team member would receive two points. If a team member used a 'you message,' then a point was deducted. At the end of the activity, we discussed the points earned by each person. In our team, everyone earned points, and no points were deducted. We did an excellent job, and in the end the team was able to achieve our goals and come up with a compromise.  


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