CST 338 Week 3



Jotto Code Review: 

This week, I collaborated with Edward and Luis on our Jotto project code review. During our code review session, I received constructive feedback on my code from Luis. The feedback highlighted some areas for improvement, such as reordering the class definition to prioritize constructors and user-coded methods.  I will keep these suggestion in mind for further enhancement. One of the challenging aspects was passing the unit test for pickWord(), but eventually, I managed to pass all tests successfully. 
    Personally I struggles with guess() method due to my limited experience with Java, but I am committed to improving over time. My teammate's work wad impressive and well organized. My only suggestion was to remove unnecessary commented-out lines for cleaner codes. Despite the challenges, I am proud of passing all the tests and completing the methods, although I plan to revisit and refine the guess() method in the future. 


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