CST 338 Week 4


Markov Code Review: 

    This week, I worked with Edward Torres on the Markov code review. My strategy for this assignment was to read the prompt thoroughly and try to understand what each method was asking for. After reading, I decided to first work on the methods that did not require any other methods in their implementation. This helped me with my organization. After that, I moved to the methods that called methods I had already completed. I usually keep one window open with the prompt and UML diagrams, and IntelliJ on the other side. 

    For this assignment, I feel like I did really well; felt much more confident with java. My teammate said that my methods had Javadoc comments and mini-comments within the methods that are really helpful for one to understand what is going to be done or what the method is doing. Edward also mentioned that my code structure is well-executed,  and indentations are present where appropriate.  One thing Edward mentioned was that I forgot to removed some commented-out lines. 


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