CST 338 Week 7/8




    This week has certainly made me look back at all the things I learned in this course. The challenges I faced and breakthroughs as well. I think back on the assignment "Jotto" and remember the difficulty I had because I was new to Java. With the things I learned, I feel there would be different approaches I could try. When I worked on "Markov," I felt much more confident and had less difficulty completing that assignment. It felt really good passing all the unit tests and having the correct output. Another assignment where I felt really good was Project 1, although there were instances where I had trouble, I was able to successfully accomplish the goal. I feel I understand access modifiers and their purpose compared to the beginning. I also feel more comfortable, as the weeks have passed, working with Room Database. At the beginning of the project, I was worried and confused, but the more I practiced, the more ideas that would pop into my head that became helpful for Project 2.

Project 2: 

This week, Edward and I have focused on fine-tuning the project and making sure everything is completed as required. After figuring out the initial part, it was much easier completing the rest of the activities. We are still finding things we can improve on, and so far, we have been able to do so successfully. I hope in the future we can further improve the application and maybe even present it as a capstone idea.


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