CST 300 Week 4
WELCOME TO WEEK 4 Educational & Career Goals This I learned that it is essential to use these 7 Career Goals in order to succeed: Self-Assessment Networking Tracking Accomplishments Know Your Worth Update Your Skills Negotiate Allow for Downtime https://cdn.shortpixel.ai/spai/w_1052+q_lossy+ret_img+to_webp/tipsforlawyers.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Goal-setting-2048x1152.jpg Tracking accomplishments is one goal that I want to apply to my career. It will help me in the future when I begin applying for jobs. Having everything documented will save me from trying to remember things and possibly leaving things out. This goal will also help me create my portfolio. Another career goal that I want to apply is to update my skills and begin networking. For instance, updating my skills by learning new programming languages, will be beneficial when being considered for interviews. Networking will also be beneficial, as job recruitment has changed f...